Moluccan Cockatoos
Cacatua moluccensis
The imposing Moluccan cockatoo is the largest of the "white" cockatoos and hugely popular as a pet or aviary bird. A more adoring parrot would be hard to find and, like human children, they crave attention.
They do, however, carry a reputation for being rather noisy. Whilst most large parrots can turn up the volume on occasion, overtly loud Moluccans are usually the product of wrongful human intervention. Spoiling a young cockatoo with unlimited attention in terms of your presence and constant entertainment will result in it screaming for your attention when it is withdrawn.
Mindful of this, if a chick is not able to be reared by its parents, we endeavour to raise it in a ‘creche’ situation with other chicks, either of their own kind or of other species. This way, they learn to interact with others and become well-adjusted adults who are not demanding and can entertain themselves with toys and so on when left to their own devices. If simple training is continued by the new owner, a delightful bird will ensue.
An innate desire to continuously chew - and destroy! – items in the cage should not, however, be suppressed; simple offerings of fresh twigs and cardboard are just two free items that will sate this desire and create a happily busy bird.